One of the most important things in becoming a good yorkie owner is learning about the common dog health problems that can affect your little one.
We aim to provide you with the basics you need to know and at the same time provide you with the resources in case you need more information on a particular problem.
I believe this is very important as what we all want is for our dogs to be the happiest and healthiest possible!
Every dog owner will have to deal with at least one of these health problems, but it is much more likely that you will have to deal with quite a few of them in your dogsĀ lifespan. What better way to be prepared for the inevitable than by learning about them now.
If you know what signs and symptoms to look out for, what can cause, prevent and what will treat certain canine health problems you will be that much more confident when it comes to dealing with them!
There are so many different health problems a dog can suffer from that it is difficult to know where to begin…
Below is a list of the most common dog illnesses together with some of their main symptoms and a brief description of what the illness is.

Dog Health Problems

Dog Health Problem Treatments

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Arthritis in dogs and cats is a very common problem but very difficult to deal with. Arthritis cause pain in joints of your canine friend but you can’t see your friend in pain. So I prefer Pet Bounce arthritis medicine for cats and dogs provide relief from joint pain. To know more visit
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