Question – Yorkie Crying
Daisy my miniture yorkshire terrier cries and howls at night, i have been going down to her to re-assure her but she carries on, how do i stop this?
How old is Daisy? Is this something she has just started doing, or is it something that has been going on for a while now? Do you take her out when she cries, she might need to go potty and not want to do it indoors?
There are many reasons why she could be crying and howling. If she never used to do this before, has something happened that could have brought about a change in her behaviour? Did she normally sleep upstairs with you and is not used to being apart from you during the night? She might just not like being alone and being in the dark?
There are a few simple things I would suggest trying that might help.
Try this to stop your yorkie crying at night
Possibly try using a night light close to where she sleeps, so that it won’t be too dark.
You could try placing something in her bed that smells of you, as this might prove to be comforting for her.
You must also remember that everytime she cries and howls, she might just be wanting you to go down to see her. If you carry on going to see her, she might not want to ever stop this behaviour.
I think that after checking her health is all ok, it is safe to say that it is most likely a cry for attention. Try the night light, try using something with your smell and lastly try leaving her for a while.
Please check back with us and let us know how it goes. If anyone else has any other helpful tips, please don’t hesitate to add them.
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Cries at night
Your Yorkie wants to be with you all the time, you are their “pack” and alfa.
Setting boundaries needs to be done early on and don’t break the boundaries.
So if you had your Yorkie in your room and then moved them out, this is a punishment to them, because they are being separated from “their” pack and don’t understand why.
Something to consider is moving them closer to your room without being in your room (like a crate in a corner beside your door.)
Please remember that when sleeping most dogs prefer a cave like area, so if you don’t have a dog crate, you may want to consider one, this will become their “safe” haven an area for them and them alone.
howling yorkie
Oh just let her sleep on your bed problem solved.
Hope this helps
It may take awhile but you have to ignore her, the more you go to her to reassure her is not helping.
She’s training you, everytime you go to her she knows you will come when she cry out. So if and only if you want it to stop you have to ignore her and show her that it’s ok to be alone for a while.
These little gems will cry out until it hurts, you have to just ignore it until the crying stop.
Then go to them only when they are not crying too reassure them.
This to me is the hardest part of training because we can feel there little pain.
Hope this helps.
my 16 year old yorkie is barking & howling at 2 & 3 am he never did this before just the last 2 months i have tried everything even putting him in bed with me i dont no what to do?????