Choosing between male vs female Yorkies is more than just picking out the one that you think is the cutest, it’s also about what gender is the best for you.

Male and female Yorkies have different characters. Their characters are what makes them special, so it is a great idea to find out what to expect when you are thinking about buying either.
Female Yorkies are affectionate, but on a different level to a male Yorkie. They enjoy lap attention and plenty of fussing. A female Yorkie will almost demand petting and then once she has had enough she will get up and leave. This is a show of her independence.
It is said that females also show more intelligence and are more focused when it comes to training. Thus, succeeding quicker than their male counterparts.
However, they can be manipulative in order to get their own way, even though they will not openly compete in power struggles of any kind. Their cleverness in situations will lead them to be the victor at the end of the day.
The female Yorkshire Terrier is also known to have remarkable mood swings. They can be sweet and playful one day and shy, grumpy and reclusive the next.
Male yorkshire terriers are more sociable dogs. They do not tend to shy away from visitors and like their presence to be known, and sometimes felt, straight away. They enjoy playing on a more regular basis and do so with a great appetite for fun.
Their mood does not fluctuate as much as their female companions but they will be more of a challenge in the house. Many male Yorkies have the tendency to impose their dominance in the house. Some simple housetraining will solve this.
The most off putting male yorkie trait is their love of ‘marking their spot’. During their formative years male Yorkies mark their territory by spraying their urine on virtually every upright object available, both inside and outside the house. This can be very annoying but trying litter training could be very helpful.
Finally, you should consider the other dogs in the area where you live. Are there many stray dogs? Are there many male or female dogs? If there are many female dogs then maybe go for a male. If there are many males then maybe a female. Also look at the different breeds in the area.
Male Vs Female Yorkies
Please watch this wonderful video by a lady with both!
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My favorite part of this article is when you mentioned that male Yorkies are actually more sociable and that they don’t shy away from visitors. I enjoy entertaining guests and I would be awesome if I can get a pet that can match my eagerness and enthusiasm. I really had no idea about which gender I should be getting, so I’m very thankful that I came across your article when I did!