My 8.5 year old yorkie Miles was tragically attacked and killed by a neighbors schnauzer last month. My husband and I were out of town when it happened, and when I got the call my heart nearly crumbled into a thousand pieces. Our dog miles was on leash and leisurely walking the block, when their dog got out and within split seconds the horrific accident took place. My mom witnessed the whole thing and drove him to two different vets for blood transfusions without any luck. I took him from the vets and held him for an hour. My husband dug and we buried him with a small stone plaque so we can sit and be near him. I’m so unspeakably sad and lonely, He was my BEST FRIEND and the love of my life. I know pet owners will get it when I say I feel lost without him by my side. He was given to me by my sister and dad as a surprise for my birthday when I was going through a terrible depression. He literally SAVED my life by giving me hope, comfort, kisses endless love, and letting me cuddle him endlessly. I can hardly sleep thinking that this death was painful and I’ll never forgive myself for not being there when he needed me most. I feel terrible that my mom was looking after him, and she is broken hearted, crying and having nightmares all the time. I’m SO sad for her and my family. My husband cried, it was the second time I’ve ever seen him cry- he’d grown close to him, through the years we were dating and now married. He told me that he didn’t like small dogs, but that he unexpectedly fell in love with Miles loveable spirit when he met him! I’m in so much shock, these stories you’ve shared are really helping. I feel everyone’s pain deeply I wouldn’t wish this grief on anyone. Dogs are very special, and I’ll never forget how much love miles gave me and everyone he came across! Strangers and friends alike loved him! He was just so freaking cute and sweet and happy, and mischievous of course. My heart will never be the same.
I offer my condolences and prayers to you for the loss of your pet; Miles…So sad. I loss my Angel
who was 11 in October; she passed from a congenital heart disease….Her death was sudden and
unexpected and I am deeply saddened by my loss. I cannot imagine something so tragic as what
happened to you..
God Bless you and RIP Miles.