by Marianne
(Romeo, Michigan)
I lost my Sophie on February 25, 2010. Sophie was born with a liver shunt, and the doctors said they could try to operate, but there was a good chance she would die on the operating table.
I chose to give her whatever time God would allow, with as much love and affection as I possibly could give her.
We tried, very hard for 7 years to help her out, but it was time to let her go. She was in pain, and as much as I loved her, I had to be fair to her.
I was with her in her final moments, and have buried her in my garden, where I can visit as often as I want.
I vowed I could never have another, as it hurt just too much. I have been mourning her like I lost a child.
I think Sophie understands how sad I am, as out of the blue, a puppy came into my life. She is now 4 weeks old, and I am starting to feel happy again.
This new puppy will NEVER replace my Sophie, BUT she can pick up where Sophie no longer can.
Love your animals, at all times, because you never know how long you have them.
Also remember, animals do not realize there is a tomorrow, they only live for the moment!
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