by amy pereira
(14833 sylvan st 7 van nuys ca 91411)
What should i call my male yorkshire terrier dog? It’s been very difficult.
There are so many great yorkie names. I would suggest you browse through our long list of male yorkshire terrier names.
I hope this will help you decide! 🙂
Male Yokie Names
Hi you share the same last name as my mother’s maiden name. :))
A few male names for a precious Yorkie: Romeo, Lancelot,Caesar etc.
Yorkies are Amazing they steal your heart (forever)!
I mourn my baby everyday, so hard without her………….
male yorkie name
I just got a yorkie a month ago and love him so much. He is the best! Named him Emmitt and it fits him well….like the cowboy football player inducted into hall of fame. My yorkie is strong and loves to play, and most of all, handsome 🙂
My yorkie Candy
Got my beautiful baby girl a month ago. She is so energetic and loving, especially in the mornings when she wakes up. I really look forward to greeting her and her me. I named her Candy and her name really suits her. She has settled in very well from day one. She likes to chew a lot especially furniture. My yorkie brightens up my day no end.