Dog Behavior Dogs Are Like Children, They Need Leadership & Guidance All dogs need to have rules and boundaries firmly set in the household in order for them to be happy and in order to avoid dealing with dog behavior problems with an enormous amount of personal behavior … [Read more...]
Clicker Training
Proper Clicker Training Means Using Perfect Timing With clicker training, timing is everything. You must capture the exact moment your dog is doing something right. Also start thinking in terms of stage-by-stage training. Let's say I want to teach my dog to make a left circle. … [Read more...]
Litter Training Already Housebroken Dogs
Litter Training for those dogs that have already been housebroken should be a simple task. They will already be able to recognise commands, and if you use a specific command when you are walking your dog so that it 'eliminates like 'go' then use that. The command will give … [Read more...]
Litter Training Yorkie Puppies!
Starting to train Yorkshire terrier puppies as soon as possible is a great idea. You should be prepared to give your pup plenty of time and attention. If you are not willing to do so then forget the whole idea, it would be a waste of time. Litter Training your pup will … [Read more...]
Leash Training for Yorkshire Terriers
Getting your Yorkie used to its Collar & Leash is important. Leash Training is easy to do and with intelligent dogs like Yorkshire Terriers it is usually a very quick process. Puppies don't like the restricting feeling a collar gives them when they first experience … [Read more...]
Problem: My Adult Dog Growls At Me When I Stare At Him
When you adopt or gain custody of an adult dog, there are many important items that you need to be aware of. It's not like getting a puppy that is brand new to the world and accepts everything with enthusiasm. Adult dogs are a bit more stubborn when it comes to joining your … [Read more...]
Dog Chewing Problems
When you bring a puppy home dog chewing problems is one of the first things you will have to deal with. All puppies, including yorkies, can be very persistent chewers, especially when teething. This should be dealt with immediately before your belongings start getting … [Read more...]
The Most Important Dog Training Commands
The list of dog training commands is actually quite lengthy but it would be unreasonable to expect any one animal to perform all of them. The types of commands a pet owner chooses would be based on several factors but most importantly, the breed and any work the animal … [Read more...]
Dog Leash Training
A huge part of being a pet owner is to love and enjoy the animal but to ensure this happens, basic obedience must be taught. In addition to creating a better dog and owner relationship, certain commands actually serve to protect the animal in various situations. Although … [Read more...]
Training Yorkshire terriers
6 Simple Rules The following are some basic rules that should be followed when training Yorkshire terriers. Yorkshire terriers are very intelligent dogs and are very capable of learning things quickly. However, by following these rules the training process should be made … [Read more...]